Model Views

It is often useful to be able to see views of the model without having to download and open the simulation file. You can define a set of model views that will be automatically captured at the end of the simulation.

coming soon!

There is extra functionality planned around Model views, this includes having views extracted at critical times related to results (e.g. the max/min value of a time history). Also, views can be extracted periodically during a simulation. More details are in the Roadmap

The ModelView attributes are not in lower case (as would be standard in python) because we are lazily passing these to ViewParameters. The default view parameters are used for all parameters that are not defined in qalx_orcaflex .data_models.ModelView

Defining views

There are 3 ways to define these:

  1. Tags in General:

Using General object tags to specify model views

These are defined with a tag name that starts with mv and a double underscore (mv__). The text after the double underscore will be the name of the view. The value of the tag needs to be valid JSON.

  1. Using data_models.ModelView

from qalx_orcaflex import data_models as dm
front_view = dm.ModelView(
    ViewCentre= [20.0, 0.0, -21.5],
    ViewAzimuth= 270.0,
    ViewGamma= 0.0,
    ViewElevation= 0.0,
    Width= 1500,
    Height= 800,
    GraphicsMode= "WireFrame",
    FileFormat= "PNG"
  1. Copy paste the Edit view parameters form

Selecting all in the form (CTRL+A)

Using the "Edit view parameters" form

Will give you text like this:

Global        50      20      0       -21.5   270     0       0       1500    800

You can use the data_models.ModelView.***_from_form_str class methods to build a data_models.ModelView from this text like so:

from qalx_orcaflex import data_models as dm

front_view = dm.ModelView.wire_frame_from_form_str(
        "Global     50      20      0       -21.5   270     0       0       1500    800"

This will have exactly the same effect as the code in method 2 above.


We can add these model views to each model as it is added to the batch. This has the advantage of being able to extract different views for every simulation if required. The example below illustrates centering the view on the end of a line as it moves in each load case:

import OrcFxAPI as ofx

import qalx_orcaflex.data_models as dm
from qalx_orcaflex.core import ModelSource, OrcaFlexBatch, QalxOrcaFlex

qfx = QalxOrcaFlex()
batch_options = dm.BatchOptions(

with OrcaFlexBatch(name="My Hang-off Batch", session=qfx,
                   batch_options=batch_options) as batch:
    m = ofx.Model()
    line = m.CreateObject(ofx.otLine, "My Line")
    for end_b_x in range(40, 80, 10):
        line.EndBX = end_b_x
        hang_off = 250 - end_b_x
        hang_off_info = dm.RawInfo(
            key="Hang-off point",

        view = dm.ModelView(
            ViewName=f"Front of hang-off @ {hang_off}m",
            ViewCentre=[end_b_x, 0.0, -21.5],
        current_speed = dm.ModelInfo(
            alias="Current Speed"
        load_case_info = dm.LoadCaseInfo(
            ModelSource(m, f"HangOff={hang_off}"),

These views can then be downloaded as per the below:

from qalx_orcaflex.core import QalxOrcaFlex

qfx = QalxOrcaFlex()

    batch_name="My Hang-off Batch",

This will save the views as image files with the file name containing the case name and the name of the view:

View image file saved to disk