
These are a list of features that are planned for this module, they are provided in a very rough order of planned completion.


The ID numbers in brackets correspond to Target Process ticket numbers.

Better API for dealing with completed batches (id:4013)

Get rid of all the horrible hacky get_batch_whaeva methods on QalxOrcaFlex and replace with a more extensible solution that implements some caching and waiters perhaps

e.g. QalxOrcaFlex().batch(“My Batch”).results

A command line interface (id:4014)

It will only do basic things like show recently modified batches and the progress of a batch

Custom results specification (id:4015)

Create your own results

Linked Statistics and Extreme Statistics (id:4016)

As per the OrcFxAPI spec

Model views at key result points (id:4017)

e.g. max of a time history

Results summary spreadsheet automatically created (id:4019)

We could write the results summary and the vs_info to a spreadsheet

Optional progress model views (id:4020)

Inside the dynamic progress handler we could save one or more model views and optionally, hide some objects.

Automatic batch cancellation on result breach (id:4021)

We can monitor the required results and if a simulation has breached a limit we could cancel the rest of the batch

Allowed to define “Model deltas” from a base model (id:4022)

Make base models and then load case models that never have data files only a reference to the base model and then the change to data items that need to be made.

Option to extract all model data into qalx (id:4023)

useful if you want to do analytics/ML on model/sim data over time